Elder Christian Miller-Week 102: Pena Blanca

Hey mom good to hear from you!  Our investigators are doing well, but sadly none of them were able to come on Sunday, but one.  So, my comp will have a ton of baptisms to do when I leave!  I got permission to visit Illapel the 21st or 22nd, so that will be cool!, the 23rd I have interviews with Pres and then Monday, to visit more people in Viña, and then Tuesday to the temple and airport! I got my recommend so we should be good to go! Life is good, and I’m sure going to miss the memories that are made here in the mission! Love and miss you guys.  Have the best week!  Just so you know, I have officially wrapped up my group emails because I’m just going to write to the people that are writing me, so don’t be surprised. When you don’t see a group email.  Next Monday will be the last Monday of writing you, que estare en Viña el dia entero el Lunes.  I will be arriving at SLC airport at 10:17 on Wednesday, so just so you guys are up to date! The gospel changes lives. Continue sharing it!

-Elder Miller

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